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Soup making!

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Reception! Whilst practising our songs and rehearsing our lines for our Christmas Nativity, we have also been busy with lots of new learning.

In Literacy, we read ‘The hungry Giant’s Soup’ and the story ‘Stone Soup’. We learnt new sight words; he, me, the, put and said. We wrote shopping lists for our own soup ingredients, and we used our sounds to say the word, robot the word and write the word. The children worked really hard to learn the new sounds, to say them, to hear them and to form them. Ask your child to tell you the sounds the graphemes make; ‘g’, ‘o’, ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘ck’, ‘e’, ‘u’, ‘r’.

With our shopping lists in hand, we took two small groups to Chrisp Street Market. We enjoyed looking at the different vegetables and practising our counting when paying the market trader.

When we returned to school, we peeled and chopped the vegetables and made a delicious healthy soup! It was very tasty!

We have also been learning about the meaning of Advent and how we are waiting for the birth of baby Jesus. We have made Nativity Advent calendars and drawn pictures behind each door.

We have been exploring Numicon tiles in Maths and the children were able to recognise and order them to 20!

We have also been busy in our outdoor environment and have enjoyed making ‘Stone Soup’ in the mud kitchen!

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