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Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

This week we have been reading the story; ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?’ The children chose their favourite animal from the story and made a collage using different coloured tissue paper! It was so much fun learning about the different animals and colours.

In maths we have been focussing on ‘size’ using the language ‘big’ and ‘small’. We have been making towers with the Lego and the big building blocks outside. We have also been identifying different sized cups and spoons in our sand tray! The children have had fun dressing up the babies in our new ‘Baby Clinic’ home corner, using clothing of varying sizes! We have been singing number songs, practising our counting and recognising numerals.

In RE we have been retelling and sequencing the Nativity story. We talked about the characters and their feelings. We thought about how Mary felt and why Jesus was going to be special. We coloured in pictures of the characters for our Nativity scene display!

For Remembrance Day, we used different mediums to make Poppies. We used red and black paint, tissue paper and glitter to decorate our Poppies. We had a two-minute silence to remember all those who have fought for our freedoms.

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