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Our sense of taste!

This week in science we have been exploring our sense of taste. We learnt that you taste using your tongue.  We also learnt that the tongue has lots of taste buds which helps us to distinguish taste, these include sweet, salty, sour and bitter.  Using our taste buds we tried lots of different foods.  It was lots of fun!

Black History Month

In Year 1 we have been learning the story of Rosa Parks and why she is important in history. We used role-play to re-enact the story and talked about how we are all special in different ways and that it is important that we are all treated equally.

Ezra Class Mass

Father Keith visited Ezra class today for our class Mass. We learnt the name of Father Keith’s long white robe,  the alb, from the Latin Albus, meaning white. We also discovered the name of his green silk vestment worn over his alb namely a stole. It was very special  to have a Mass in our classroom, and to be able to ask Father Keith questions.

The children did very well with their singing and their readings, a very uplifting Monday afternoon! We look forward to Father Keith visiting us again.

The Victorian Beach

We have had a busy week in Year 1. In Literacy we thought of adjectives to describe the characters in Little Red Riding Hood. We also thought of questions to ask the Wolf and role-played with our partners as we posed our questions!









In Science we learnt about our sense of hearing. We learnt the names of the different parts of the ear and how sound travels by sound waves. We used two cups and a piece of string to test it out!










In Topic we learnt about the differences between a trip to the beach today, and what it would have been like in the Victorian era. We learnt about the different clothes people wore, the different games they played and how tools such as; buckets and spades were made out of different materials because plastic hadn’t been invented! What a great era for the environment!

We then got to ‘time travel’ to a Victorian beach, where we got to sample a Victorian Penny Lick ice cream! Fortunately… we didn’t have to share it with our friends, and we got to have one each!