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Class Saint lesson

This week, both Year 1 classes have been busy learning about their class Saints: St Francis of Assisi and St Catherine of Siena. They learnt about how their class Saints lived devoted and dedicated lives because of their faith. We explored how we can live like them and follow in their footsteps.

Sorting objects in Maths

Today, we looked at all the different ways that objects can be sorted. We talked about how objects can be sorted into colour, shapes, weight and size. We sorted objects that we found in the classroom and then we had a food sorting activity that we did in pairs.

Re-wilding in Year 1

In Year 1 we have been learning about plants in Science. We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the value of letting nature grow in order to keep our planet healthy.

It’s about creating the right conditions to let nature take care of itself by reducing active management of wildlife populations, by allowing natural forest regeneration, and by reintroducing species that have disappeared.

Rewilding means bringing back qualities that have been lost, restoring an area of land to its natural state and possibly reintroducing species that had been driven out or exterminated.

We learnt about re-wilding and then made our own re-wilded gardens using leaves and sticks found from the ground at the Soane Centre.

Year 1 Plantlife trip to the Soane Centre!

This week Year 1 went on a trip to the Soane Centre in Tower Hamlets Cemetry park to learn about plants, animals and minibeasts that can be found there! We had a wonderful time discovering the world around us, doing scientific investigations of plantlife.  We enjoyed learning, drawing and making observations about different species of plants and animals!

Year 1 and Year 6 Artwork

Year 1 have been learning about plastic pollution. They have been learning about what plastic is, the problem with single use plastic, biodegradable waste and how plastic ends up in the ocean. We learnt that it takes 450 years for plastic to disintegrate! We have come up with some ideas to solve this issue:

Increase the price of plastic

ban single use plastic (this is happening in October)

Spread the word – tell people about the problem


Collect plastic from the sea

Submarines with nets to sweep plastic out of the sea

Year 6 came to help us with our plastic sea creature projects. They were amazing!

Weight and Mass in Year 1

We have been measuring objects using scales!

We were checking to see which objects are heavier and which are lighter. Today we measured the mass of the objects to find out exactly how heavy the objects are! We chose cubes to give us a more exact measurement of the weight of each object. The unit of measurement must stay the same if we compare the weight of objects.

Key Questions:

Which object do you think is heavier/lighter?
Is a _____________ heavier or lighter than a ____________?
How can you show which object is heavier/lighter?
Are large objects always heavier than small objects?
How do you know?
How does the balance scale show which object is heavier?
If two objects are the same size and shape, does that mean
that they have the same mass? How do you know?

The ENORMOUS turnip!

Today Miss Hains brought in an ENORMOUS turnip to school that she found in Bartlett Park! At first, when she tried to pull the turnip, it wouldn’t budge! So she called Miss Hussey, Mrs Lauder, Mrs Turner and Mr Devereux and finally it popped out! She brought it to school to show all of the children.


In RE we have been learning about this term’s important person, St Benadette. We have also been talking about Jesus’ 40 days of sacrifice in the desert and what this means for us. The children discussed what they might give up for Lent.