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Fantastic Friday’s Home Learning! 😃

What a week of amazing home learning photos we have received. Well done to everyone for working so hard this term parents/carers included! Have a well deserved half term break filled with lots of fun and rest. Don’t forget Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day!) 16th February Enjoy your yummy pancakes and please send us some photos!

Well done to Poppie and Lariya and Connie for your amazing home learning today! Keep up the fantastic work 😀

Have a happy and safe half term everyone! Many thanks from the Nursery Team 😀

Friday 12th February 2021😃

Good morning Nursery! Thank you for continuing to send in all the wonderful photos of all your home learning to, please continue to do so. A big thank you to all our parents/carers and the children for all your effort, hard work and engagement this term. Well done everyone!

Thank you for joining Thursday’s google meet story time with Miss Sullivan, we hope you enjoyed it! We will do this everyday at 2:30pm. It will also give parents the opportunity to ask any q’s they may have regarding the home learning pack. As always we look forward to seeing you this afternoon!

Message for Parents: Home learning packs! We are now busy putting the children’s wonderful home learning in their Me Books, thank you for returning packs week 1&2 and week 3&4 to us. If you haven’t return them, please try your best to do so today. The new home learning packs for weeks 7&8 are now ready to collect from the main office.😃

Half term target: 🎡 Please encourage your child to practice putting on their coats and fastening them independently.

Let’s begin our learning with our morning prayer. Hands together!  “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen.  Oh my God, you love me. You’re with me night and day. I want to love you always, in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you Father, bless me through this day……..Amen.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit……..Amen”

Story of the week: This week we are focusing on ‘Chinese New Year’ This year is the year of the Ox. Check out the amazing videos below of Chinese dragon dancing and some spectacular decorations! 😃

Phonics: This week in Phonics we are learning about rhythm and rhyme. Watch the videos below and see if you can you spot the rhyming words?

Maths: Number 9: This week we have been learning a new number every day. Today’s number is number 9. Why not try writing the number 9 in the air using your finger, in a bowl of flour or if your feeling super confident you can try writing your number 9 straight onto your white board! Where can you see number 9?😊

Maths : Weight – Heavy and Light –  This week in maths we are exploring weight. Watch the videos below to remind us all about weight. Have you been weighing objects at home? Send in some photos! 

Storytime: Today’s end of day story is ‘Peace at last’ What was your favourite part of the story?

A huge well done for a whole school term of wonderful learning! Lets give thanks to God!

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….AmenAt the end of the day, we come to say, thank you for your love today. Thank you for our families and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen“.

Thank you for all your support this term! Have a well deserved happy and restful half term😀 Please take care and stay safe!!!

Thursday 11th February 2021😃

Good morning Nursery! Thank you for continuing to send in all the wonderful photos of all your home learning to, please continue to do so. A big thank you to all our parents/carers and the children for all your effort, hard work and engagement. Well done everyone!

Thank you for joining Tuesday’s google meet story time with Miss Slaney, we hope you enjoyed it! We will do this everyday at 2:30pm. It will also give parents the opportunity to ask any q’s they may have regarding the home learning pack. As always we look forward to seeing you this afternoon!

Message for Parents: Home learning packs! We are now busy putting the children’s wonderful home learning in their Me Books, thank you for returning packs week 1&2 and week 3&4 to us. If you haven’t return them, please try your best to do by Friday. The new home learning packs for weeks 7&8 are now ready to collect from the main office.😃

Let’s begin our learning with our morning prayer. Hands together!  “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen.  Oh my God, you love me. You’re with me night and day. I want to love you always, in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you Father, bless me through this day……..Amen.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit……..Amen”

Story of the week: This week we are focusing on ‘Chinese New Year’ This year is the year of the Ox. Click on the links below to learn more😃

Phonics: This week in Phonics we are learning about rhythm and rhyme. Watch and join in with the videos below. Can you spot the words that rhyme? How about the Rhythm, can you keep the beat?

Maths: Number 7: This week we have been learning a new number every day. Today’s number is number 7. Why not try writing the number 7 in the air using your finger, in a bowl of flour or if your feeling super confident you can try writing your number 7 straight onto your white board! Where can you see number 7?😃

Maths : Weight – Heavy and Light –  This week in maths we are exploring weight. Watch the videos below to remind us all about weight. Have you been weighing objects at home? Send in some photos! 😊

P.E: Are you ready for some exercise? Join Miss Linky below for some fun exercise!

If that was tiring why not lay down for a while and rest whilst listening to some relaxing Disney music!

Storytime: Today’s end of day story is ‘The very hungry caterpillar‘ What was your favourite part of the story? Tell an adult and why not draw a picture of it!

A huge well done for another day of wonderful learning! Lets give thanks to God!

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….AmenAt the end of the day, we come to say, thank you for your love today. Thank you for our families and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen“.

Wednesday 10th February 2021 😃

Good morning Nursery! Thank you for continuing to send in all the wonderful photos of all your home learning to, please continue to do so. A big thank you to all our parents/carers and the children for all your effort, hard work and engagement. Well done everyone!

Thank you for joining Tuesday’s google meet story time with Miss Slaney, we hope you enjoyed it! We will do this everyday at 2:30pm. It will also give parents the opportunity to ask any q’s they may have regarding the home learning pack. As always we look forward to seeing you this afternoon!

Parent information: Parents you are all doing an AMAZING job! We at OLSJ cannot thank you enough for your continued support. We miss the children very much and like you we are praying for a return to normal as soon as possible. Please keep being the home schooling heroes that you all are!! ⭐

Let’s begin our learning with our morning prayer. Hands together!  “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen.  Oh my God, you love me. You’re with me night and day. I want to love you always, in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you Father, bless me through this day……..Amen.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit……..Amen”

Story of the week : This week we are focusing on ‘Chinese New Year’ This year is the year of the Ox. Watch the videos below to find out the story of Chinese New Year and all about The great race!😀

Phonics: This week in Phonics we are learning about rhythm and rhyme. Why not join our new friend Jack Hartmann for some more fun with rhyme!

Miss Slaney has been busy creating different rhythms using objects found at her home. See if you can join in and keep the rhythm! Can you think of your own rhythm?

Maths: Number 5: This week we have been learning a new number every day. Today’s number is number 5. Why not try writing the number 5 in the air using your finger, in a bowl of flour or if your feeling super confident you can try writing your number 5 straight onto your white board! Where can you see number 5?😀 

Maths : Weight – Heavy and Light –  This week in maths we are exploring weight. Watch the video below to find out more about weight. Why not become weight detectives and find objects around the home, which ones are heavy? which are light?👁‍🗨

RE: This week we are learning about Jesus being a light in our world. Watch the bible story below to find out about Jesus’ light. Afterwards you might like to sing along to one our favourite songs: ‘This little light of mine’. In today’s pack you have a candle which you can decorate to remind you of Jesus’s light all around us, please share pictures of your candles to

Storytime: Today’s end of day story is ‘The magic paintbrush‘ If you had a magic paintbrush what would you paint? Why not draw a picture and send it in to

A huge well done for another day of wonderful learning! Lets give thanks to God!

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….AmenAt the end of the day, we come to say, thank you for your love today. Thank you for our families and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen“.

Tuesday 9th February 😃

Good morning Nursery! Thank you for sending all the lovely photos of all your home learning to, please continue to do so. A big thank you to all our parents/guardians and children for all your effort, hard work and engagement. It has been lovely see. Well done everyone!

Parents information: Phone calls : Thank you for taking the time to talk to Miss Davis. It was lovely to hear how you are all doing with the learning packs and the blog. Message from Miss Slaney: Even though I am in school with the children, I get to hear how you are all getting on! Thank you so much for all your support this half term and glad to hear you are enjoying what we are providing. We have tried to make it fun and exciting for your child.

Internet safety day: Today is an very important day: We are now using technology much more in lockdown and it is very important that we all keep safe. Here is a story aimed at early years children and keeping safe. Talk to your child after viewing the story about what happens and how they can keep safe on the internet.

Thank you for joining Miss Slaney yesterday s google meet story time. We hope you enjoyed it! We will do this everyday at 2:30pm. It will also give parents the opportunity to ask any q’s they may have regarding the home learning pack. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon! This will be the same link everyday to access story time.

Let’s begin our learning with our morning prayer. Hands together!  “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen.  Oh my God, you love me. You’re with me night and day. I want to love you always, in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you Father, bless me through this day……..Amen.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit……..Amen”

Story of the week : This week we will be focusing on ‘Chinese New Year’ It is the year of the Ox. Read this story and find out why we have Chinese New Year.

Phonics: This week we are going to be learning about Rhythm and rhyme. 👂 Rhyme: Listen to the story of Tabby cat and see if you can hear the rhyming words.

Rhythm: Watch Miss Slaney make different rhythms. See if you can join in and do what she is doing!

Maths: Number 3 : This week we be learning a new number every day. Today number is number 3. Why not try writing the number 3 in the air using your finger, in a bowl of flour or if your feeling super confident you can try writing your number 3 straight onto your white board! Where can you see number 3?

Maths – Weight – Heavy and Light –  This week we are exploring weight in Maths this week. Why not watch the video below and see what it is all aboutCan you find different objects in your house that are heavy and light?

Heavy and Light : Watch Miss Slaney at home and see what she can find that is heavy and light.

Storytime: Today story is ‘The snail and whale’ Listen to the story and see if you can hear the rhyming words in the books! What is your favorite part? Draw your favorite part. 👂📕

Why not end another fantastic day of home learning by giving thanks to God with the end of the day prayer… maybe you could choose your own prayer to say.

At the end of the day we come to say thank you for your love today. Thank you for our families and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen.

Monday 8th February😀

Good morning Nursery! Thank you for sending all the lovely photos of all your home learning to, please continue to do so. A big thank you to all our parents/guardians and children for all your effort, hard work and engagement. It has been lovely see. Well done everyone!

Thank you for joining Miss Davis Friday ’s google meet story time. We hope you enjoyed it! We will do this everyday at 2:30pm. It will also give parents the opportunity to ask any q’s they may have regarding the home learning pack. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon! This will be the same link everyday to access story time.

Parent information:  Phone calls : Miss Davis will be calling today from a blocked number – please try and answer and if you can’t….. please email the nursery with a suitable time to call. It is a chance to see how you are all doing and to ask any questions.

Let’s begin our learning with our morning prayer. Hands together!  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…….Amen.  Oh my God, you love me. You’re with me night and day. I want to love you always, in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you Father, bless me through this day……..Amen.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit……..Amen”

Story of the week : This week we will be focusing on ‘Chinese New Year’ It is the year of the Ox. Listen this story and find out why we have Chinese New Year.

Watch this video to see how Chinese New Year is celebrated .

Phonics: This week we are going to be learning about Rhythm and rhyme. 👂

Listen to a story using rhyme in the book “The rhyming rabbit’. What words rhyme with each other! Play the game in your word pack and see what sounds the same!

Maths: Number 2: This week we be learning a new number every day. Today number is number 1. Why not try writing the number 1 in the air using your finger, in a bowl of flour or if your feeling super confident you can try writing your number 1 straight onto your white board! Where can you see number 1? 😀

Maths – Weight – Heavy and Light This week we are exploring weight in Maths this week. Why not watch the video below and see what it is all aboutCan you find different objects in your house that are heavy and light?

Storytime: Today story is ‘So Much”. One of Miss Slaney’s favourite book. Can you join in with the story? What is your favourite part?

Why not end another fantastic day of home learning by giving thanks to God with the end of the day prayer… maybe you could choose your own prayer to say.

At the end of the day we come to say thank you for your love today. Thank you for our families and all the friends you give to me. Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light. Amen.