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year 3 Homework

Please find attached this weeks homework (due date 16/11/15).

In English this week we have been looking at Adverbs as excellent sentence starters. Please look at the sentences provided and write them in your books, then rewrite them using different adverbs to change their meaning.

For Maths this week we have been looking at time. Please write down what time you do different things within a week and draw an analogue clock to show 5 of those times.

In addition please practice our timetables and your number bonds.

Practise your spellings. Look at the spelling pattern to help you. (dis- the prefix dis has a negative meaning. ) Write sentences in your book for each spelling.

Remember spellings should be practised daily.

Handwriting this week is : fsacv

Thank you

Miss Patel and Mr Everden

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