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44 Replies to “AT2 – Summer 2 (Year 3)”

  1. We have Gods kingdom in class because we show kindness and are helpful to each other

  2. we can’t see god’s kingdom but we know its there because we do good things in class.

  3. yes we have it in school because we pray to them in assembly and to give peace around the world.

  4. Yes, because this is a catholic school and we learn about R.E.

  5. Yes, because God’s kingdom is where he roams and this is a catholic school; and sometimes we have mass in our school.

  6. I think it is because God is everywhere so his kingdom should be everywhere as well.

  7. Yes, because everyone is good not bad and everyone is kind; and when someone is stuck someone helps them.

  8. Yes, because God is always with us; and he is with everyone else and in front of us; and he cares for us.

  9. If you are kind and helpful the kingdom of God will appear in your mind.

  10. A lot of people like to follow God’s footsteps and they try to make the world a better place.

  11. I think God’s kingdom is in this here because in the classroom we learn special things about God.

  12. God is in everyone’s hearts; and if we listen to God we can be as good as him.

  13. If God is in the room with us it means that his kingdom is with us as well; and the world is his kingdom.

  14. If we follow the rules it will make the school a better place; so we have no problems and the teachers will not get angry.

  15. I think it is in the classroom because we are doing R.E. right now, and I think when we do R.E. God’s presence is in the room right now.

  16. Yes I think he helps us to think about Jesus and helps us do our work, gives us food and be good friends.

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