After School Care

Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Primary School provides After School Care provision for up to 60 children (Y1 – Y6) and up to 24 children (EYFS). This service is invaluable to our school community. 

Collection Procedure

After School Care starts at 3:30pm and finishes at 6:00pm.

When you are ready to collect your child, please call 07761 325206 (Y1 – Y6) and 07743 570104 (EYFS), and a member of staff will bring them to the main gate for you to sign out and collect them.

If you have children in both EYFS & Y1 – Y6 clubs, please call either number and ask for all children you are collecting.

Payment Terms

After School Care costs £5.00 per session. We recommend that payment is made a minimum of 2 days in advance and a credit balance is maintained at all times.

You must make a payment by the SCOPay app, as we are a cashless school.

Payments are required for all days booked even if the child does not attend, the exceptions being when school is closed/ the child is ill or cancel at least 2 days in advance. You will not be able to cancel bookings on the day of attendance.

Should the child no longer require a place the parent/carer is to advise the School office at least one week in advance, otherwise the parent/carer is still liable for charges. Should the parent/carer fall into arrears, the club will withdraw the child’s place.


During After School Care our children have the opportunity to read, complete their homework, play games and enjoy various sporting activities, supported by a team of high quality trained staff.

Each child attending After School Care receives a healthy snack. This helps them to boost their energy levels and keep them full until they get home for dinner.

Snacks include:

  • A choice of  sandwiches
  • A selection of fruits
  • A dessert such as a flapjack or cake


All children in After School Care are expected to continue following all school rules until they have been collected by a parent/carer.

A red card system will be in place as a deterrent to inappropriate behaviour. A red card will be given to a child who has been using foul/abusive language, spitting, verbally or physical aggressive to another child or member of staff, leaving supervised areas without permission or exhibiting behaviour that poses a risk to the safety or injury of themselves or another child or member of staff, for example, climbing on tables.
If your child is given a red card, an accompanying letter/email will also be given explaining the reason for the red card being given.

If a child collects 3 red cards they will be given a suspension from attending After School Care. The length of the suspension is at the After School Care manager’s discretion and will be dependent on the severity of the behaviour displayed. 

If a child's behaviour is deemed to be excessive and a severe breach of the school’s rules and behaviour policy then the school has the right to issue a suspension before the third red card has been given.
Children who are actively seen following the school rules and being a shining example of the school’s Gospel Values will be awarded Gospel Value certificates by the After School Care manager.

If you wish to contact the manager of After School Care please email