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Remembrance Day

This week we talked about Remembrance Day and why it’s so important. For our PSHCE lesson, we had a discussion about the importance of commemorating those who have sacrificed for others and decorated our own poppies. Some children wanted to take them home to have a daily reminder whilst some of them were put on our classroom display!

We will be observing a 2 minutes’ silence at 11am on Friday the 11th.

All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day is the 1st of November, and in our R.E lesson today we looked at three famous saints: Saint Valentine, Saint Nicholas and Saint John the Baptist. We created our own drama pieces to detail the life of these three saints…

Month of the Rosary

Year 4 visited Mary’s Garden to mark the Holy Month of the Rosary. We took along with us our brand new rosary beads and together prayed a decade of the rosary. We also thought about what current world events we could pray for going forward into autumn.

Year 3 and 4 phase liturgy – International Day of Peace

Today is International Day of Peace, and this was the theme for our liturgy this afternoon. Miss Hutchings spoke about the importance of peace in a world where some people struggle to live lives free of conflict and struggle. We thought about Jesus as peacemaker and role model and what we can do in our daily lives to help create peace around us.

Here were some of the prayers that were shared:

Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes –
through which his love looks out to the world.
Yours are the feet –
with which he goes about doing good.
Yours are the hands –
with which he blesses people now.
– Saint Teresa of Avila

God of peace,
We pray for peace around the world.
Where there is hatred, sow seeds of calm.
Where there is destruction, help us to rebuild.
Where children are crying, bring an end to tears.
Shelter your peoples and protect them.
Guide them and keep them from harm.

The Story of Creation

This week, we read about The Story of Creation. We learnt about what is good about Earth and people. We discussed great ideas about all the lovely things that God has created for us. We are thankful for all the lovely animals, trees, food, homes, stars, moon and everything else that we have on Earth. Here is some of our artwork from Jeremiah and Daniel class.