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Hot-seating Journalists!

LO: To participate in role play using improvisations to understand character’s feelings and motives.

To help the children understand the role of quotes within newspaper reports, the children acted as characters within the model article. The children were then split into pairs. Half were journalists and the other half were witnesses. Each pair created interview questions. The journalists were given the job of gathering as much information as possible whilst the witnesses needed to express their version of the story.

Ash Wednesday!

LO: To make links to Lenten rituals by celebrating Mass for Ash Wednesday.

To mark the beginning of Lent the children attended mass on Ash Wednesday. The congregation was invited to receive ashes on their foreheads. Father Keith and members of the Chaplaincy team, dipped their fingers into the ashes, spread them in a cross pattern on people’s forehead, and said, “From dust you came and to dust you will return.”

Where do the ashes for this service come from?

Let’s Whoosh!

To help the children better understand the structure of a newspaper report, the class worked in groups to retell the text. All children were given the opportunity to step in the shoes of a character through a story whoosh. They displayed their understanding through altering their tone of voice and body language.

Our Sacred Space!

This term in Religious Education, our topic has been ‘A People of Prayer’. We have heavily focused on the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. Our class monitors have ensured that our prayer table has been well organised and our table cloth is green to represent that we are in a period of ordinary time.

The children chose to display the Sermon on the Mount as our Bible passage.