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Year 6 Homework WB 4.12.15

Remember to practice your spellings and multiplications for this week. Use the web links on the year 6 page for Numeracy and Literacy games to practice your skills. Homework is due in on Wednesday the 9th of December.

 Overview 4.12.15


Write a newspaper report about something that has happened in the school. You can write about anything at all – Yes Yasmina, you can even write about unicorns!

(Remember to include all the features we have used in class)



Mr Cameron – Compare calculations using greater than, less than and equals to. Solve division word problems.


Miss Lynch – Find the area of cubes, cuboids and triangles.

(Look at the power point on the school website if you need help)

Miss Lynch’s Maths Set 4 12 15

Introduction to Area of Triangles


Research toys used in the Victorian era and write a paragraph on your findings.



Please hand in your science Competition plan for Monday please.

11 Replies to “Year 6 Homework WB 4.12.15”

    • I’ve given examples at the top of both pages to guide you (for surface area of a cuboid and the area of a triangle) . Follow these formulas to get you answer.

      To get the surface area of a cube, multiply the width by length (to get the area of one square) and then times it by 6 to get the surface area (the area of the 6 squares that make up a cube).

    • I can be on anything at all! It can be a real story or you can make it up!

      Make sure you include the features that we learned in class eg Headline, by-line etc..

  1. For science do we need to plan it or do we just do the application form

  2. Miss are the features headline ,byline, lead paragraph ,five w’s ,facts just facts, intrujuce speach, skip a line,speach marks,what happens next

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