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Homework Guidelines

Year 4 Homework.

Each week the children will be given 4 homework tasks. These include:


The children must look, cover, write and check the list of ten words. These will be tested within the week. All of the words given, are from the National Curriculum’s Year 4 spelling list. The aim is that all of the pupils know how to spell all the words on the list by the end of Year 4.


The children will be given three challenges to choose from. They will focus on an aspect of Numeracy the children have been focusing on.


The children will be given a writing piece. This will usually be linked to the topic we are studying in Literacy. This must be completed on the lined paper provided on the back of the Homework sheet.


The children will be given examples of cursive handwriting letters or joins, which they should practice. In Year 4, all of the children should be using cursive handwriting and can work towards a pen license.


The children will also be given a separate RE piece of Homework. This must be completed in the RE books provided. Each piece of work must include the learning objective at the top of the work.

Please do not hesitate to ask any of the Year 4 teachers if you need support.

This Week’s Homework:

Due back: 2/10/18

Home work 26.9.18

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