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Year 2 Homework 23/10/15

Wow, what a busy half-term we have had! The children have learnt so much and it was lovely to share this with you all last night at parent’s evening.

Attached is the Year 2 homework for the holidays. Your  child has also been given a list of educational interactive games, apps and websites to use!

Have a lovely break.

Miss Allison and Miss Brennan


HW week 8 Bar model thirds

Carnival Day Fun- Black History Month

As part of Black History Month we have been learning about the African and Caribbean heritage of our children. We have read traditional stories, made flags and food, researched and written fact-files about famous black people who have inspired us and had lots of signing and dancing! We celebrated all of our learning with a Carnival Day have a look at our pictures below….IMG_0258 IMG_0257 IMG_0263 IMG_0268 IMG_0270 IMG_0273 IMG_0277 IMG_0289 IMG_0301

Testing Objects

This week in Science we have been testing lots of different objects and materials to see which properties they have. We tested to see if objects were waterproof, absorbent, bendy, and transparent or opaque.

See f you can find any more objects at home that have these properties. Bring a list in to your class teacher (you may receive some Dojo points)!

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